Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Learning with DVRF - Step 2

Step 2: Get Qemu and binwalk installed to work with DVRF v0.3

This post will cover getting Qemu and binwalk installed on the virtual machine. This post is based on the DVRF v0.1 documentation on how to set up a virtualized environment found here. This is blog post 2 of x on learning with the DVRF project blog post series.

  1. Log into the VM
  2. Click on “Terminal” to open up a new terminal window
  3. First, we will need to install Qemu. Qemu allows us to run another virtualized “system” that can emulate many things. In this case, we’re going to use Qemu to run files from the firmware of the router firmware. This will allow us to run a virtualized instance of challenges from the router firmware almost as if we were doing this on physical hardware.
  4. In Terminal, type in:
    sudo apt-get install qemu-user-static
  5. Enter in your password when prompted, type in “y”, press enter, and the installation should continue

  6. Next, we will need to install Binwalk. This tool allows us to take apart firmware from a vendor and get to the file system beneath. The installation instructions are based on the original instructions found here.
  7. In Terminal, type in:
    mkdir binwalk (press enter)

    cd binwalk (press enter)

  8. In Terminal, type in:

  9. In Terminal, type in:
    cd binwalk-master

  10. In Terminal, type in:
    sudo python install
  11. A lot of lines will appear and check to see that the final few lines look fine. We’re going to get all of the dependencies and go with the recommended suggestions. In Terminal, type in:
    sudo ./

  12. Type in “y” and press enter to the security warning.
  13. Looks like we need more things.

  14. In the screenshot above, it looks like openjdk-7-jdk is missing. We need to add the repository containing the openjdk7 based on this post. In Terminal, type in:
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openjdk-r/ppa
  15. Press enter to continue

  16. In Terminal, type in:
    sudo apt-get update
  17. In Terminal, type in the following to install openjdk-7:
    sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk
  18. Type “y” and press enter to continue:

  19. Let’s try to get the dependencies for binwalk installed again. In Terminal type in:
    sudo ./
  20. Press “y” and then enter to continue. This process may take a bit of time as the process installs and gets the dependencies sorted out.

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