Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Cybati - Blackbox Challenge #1 - Advanced Mission #11

This post is blog post 11 of 15 of the Cybati Blackbox #1 challenge.

Mission 11:
Mission 11 (10 pts). What is the PLC password contained in the RSS file?

  1. The question in this mission asks us to find the PLC password in the RSS file. An RSS file is a recipe/program file for the Allen Bradley RSLogix PLCs (more info here: Converting PLC-5 or SLC 500 Logic to Logix-Based Logic). We can find the RSS files in the /opt/CybatiWorks/Labs/passwords folder.

  2. Right click on “PASSWORD.RSS”, click on “Open With” and select “Bluefish Editor”

  3. Click “Convert” to the warning box
  4. Click “Ok” to the warning box
  5. In Bluefish, click on “Edit” and then click “Find”

  6. In the “Find” text box, enter in “C H A N N E L   C O N F I G U R A T I O N” while ensuring that the spaces between the characters are also present

  7. Click the blue arrow pointing right to find the matching text toward the end of the file

  8. The second result should be on line 176 and place you away from the far left side. If you scroll to the left on the same line you should see text relating to the file. Based on my research, the password should be a numeric “pin” before the project name and PLC name. Here we can see that “12345678” is the numeric PLC password within this RSS file to answer Mission 11.

  9. You can close the Bluefish editor

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