Thursday, July 7, 2016

Cybati - Blackbox Challenge #1 - Advanced Mission #10

This post is blog post 10 of 15 of the Cybati Blackbox #1 challenge.

Mission 10:
Mission 10 (5 pts). What IP routing protocols are configured in each section (i.e. Industrial, Corporate and Internet)?

  1. Ensure that the “Core” window is open
  2. Here we can see three zones in the simulated network. Each zone has at least one hub with others additional routers within each zone. There are routers joining each zone to form a simulated network topology.
  3. In the industrial zone, there are no routers, just one hub

  4. Right click on the hub (n1) and click “Services”

  5. You may see a blank screen as below

  6. Hover your mouse all over and eventually you should see a screen like this

  7. Click on the wrench icon next to “zebra”

  8. You may get an initial screen like this

  9. Click “Cancel” and click the wrench icon again next to “zebra” to go back into the settings. Once you do that, you should see the appropriate configuration below.
    (Note: I was not able to get a screenshot as the configuration wouldn’t change to show the appropriate settings)
  10. Based on the configurations within the “Industrial” zone, “zebra” is the only routing protocol available at this time.
  11. The router joining “Industrial” to “Corporate” appears to have the following services such as zebra, OSPF and RIP.

  12. If we check the n7 router in the “Corporate” network, we see similar network routing protocols such as zebra, OSPF and RIP as well

  13. The router n8 joining the “Corporate” zone to the “Internet” zone appears to be similar to the n6 router
  14. The routers in the “Internet” zone appear to have the zebra and BGP network routing protocols

  15. This assessment may answer the question for Mission 10

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