Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Cybati - Blackbox Challenge #1 - Step 5

This post is blog post 5 of 15 of the Cybati Blackbox #1 challenge.

Step 5:
Instruction: Review Engineering Schematic. Review the Engineering schematic for the VirtuaPlant bottling process.

Mission 5 (5 pts). What point is associated with the NOZZLE?

  1. Click on “Click to Launch” to go back to the file directory window

  2. Double click on “5. Review Engineering Schematic (WIZARD)”

  3. A PDF should be opened displaying the PLC implementation of the bottle-filling application process.
  4. Scroll to the top of the PDF and begin reading
  5. From the PDF, we learn that the bottles will roll along the conveyor belt, stop at the limit switch, be filled up with fluid released from the solenoid until the photoeye detector determines enough fluid has been released into the bottle. Once that is done, the conveyor belt will move the filled bottle to the outfeed conveyor belt and an empty bottle will be placed into position once it hits the limit switch.

  6. If we relaunch step 4 “4. Initialize VirtuaPlant (WIZARD)”, we can see that VirtuaPlant follows the same concept as the drawing above.
  7. In VirtuaPlant, we can see that the black nozzle at the top is the same as the solenoid in step 5. Also, the photoeye detector in the step 5 is the red dot in VirtuaPlant. The limit switch in step 5 is represented by the green dot in VirtuaPlant.

  8. If we watch the control process flow in the HMI window in VirtuaPlant, we can see this process in action.
  9. When a bottle in VirtuaPlant is moving into position, we see:
  10. When a bottle in VirtuaPlant is being filled, we see:

  11. When a bottle in VirtuaPlant is filled the process control statuses move too quick to be captured by a screenshot. But the process control flows from “Level Hit” is “Yes” to “Nozzle Status” is “Closed”, to “Motor Status” is “On” which moves the bottles along and “Bottle in position” to “No” until an empty bottle is ready to be filled
  12. The question for Mission 5 asks “What point is associated with the NOZZLE?”. From our previous steps we can see that the solenoid from the schematic would be the black nozzle in VirtuaPlant.

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