Monday, October 2, 2017

2017 Nebraska Cyber Security Conference

Last week I presented at the 2017 Nebraska Cyber Security Conference which was a lot of fun! I presented an “Intro to Windows COM” to discuss the world of Windows COM and to bridge the gap of current talks and research. There was a lot of info thrown around, but the basics of COM were hopefully established! I will continue to aggregate all of my COM research/links and post that shortly here to my blog.

The slides for my talk are hosted at my GitHub here:

Monday, April 24, 2017

BSides Iowa 2017: Wanna break JavaScript and APIs in web apps?

Thank you to everyone who attended my talk at BSides Iowa 2017, "Wanna break JavaScript and API's in web apps?" It was a fun topic to research and prepare for along with presenting! Below is a link to the slides as well as the YouTube link of the talk.

